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Helpers Wanted! Second Hand Uniform Shop Appeal

Dear parents

The second hand uniform shop is now into its second year and is proving very popular with new and existing parents and students.

Thanks to the many donations of uniform the shop is thriving and raising lots of money for the CSPA which in turn contributes towards those ‘extras’ to enrich the learning at school.

We are actively seeking more helpers to join our rota of existing volunteers. We only ask for a few one hour slots per term either on the first Tuesday of the month (10.30-11.30) or the first Saturday of the month 9.30-10.30, so you may only be needed for one one hour shift per month.

A Disclosure and Barring (CRB) check will be needed prior to working in the shop which we will help with.

If you would like to volunteer to help out in the second hand uniform shop please contact Himali or Hazel using the contact form below:



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