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Shop Opening Times – Summer Term

Dear Parents,

Please note that the CSPA’s second-hand uniform shop will be open Saturday 16th April, from 9.30-10.30am. Please park in the small car park at the front of school and follow the sign which will direct you to the shop, which is next to School House.

Opening times for the rest of the Summer Term are as follows:

Saturday 7th May 9.30-10.30am

Tuesday 10th May 1-2pm

Tuesday 7th June 1-2pm

Saturday 11th June 9.30-10.30am

Saturday 2nd July 9.30-10.30am

Tuesday 5th July 1-2pm

EXTRA: Friday 8th July 9.30-12 noon

PLEASE NOTE: The CSPA would welcome more second-hand uniform to sell, including PE kit. Clean, bagged items can be dropped in to Barham House reception during school hours.

Kind regards,




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