Over the next few weeks we will be showcasing our fabulous local suppliers attending the CSPA's Artisan Tasting Evening on Friday 19th November.
Today we feature Cellar Head Brewing Company: https://cellarheadbrewing.com
Cellar Head Brewing Company is an award-winning independent microbrewery founded in 2017. An all-inclusive brewery that crosses many divides - generations, beer tastes and styles - in a no nonsense "what you see is what you get" way.
Using traditional brewing methods, Cellar Head produce a varied range of modern beers focused on drinkability and quality using the finest of English grown malts and hops as well as selected high quality hops from around the world and their own strain of historic Sussex live yeast.
Come and try some of Cellar Head's beers at the Artisan Tasting evening, purchase some to drink on the night and place your order for pre-Christmas delivery.
Hurry! Buy your tickets now at: www.cranbrookschoolparents.com/artisantasting
